Thursday, December 3, 2009

Oh Boy

Caleb again, I will keep it short and sweet. Holly is now 7cm dialated and will begin to push shortly. She had some troubles at first with the epidural. Bit of a scare, her blood pressure dropped and her color ran from her face. Shortly after that nausea set in. After some adjust to her epi and meds to stabilize her BP all was good. Doc Ross instructed her to take a nap while she could. Epidural is now established and running she feels nothing but pressure now. I am so proud of her, and have never loved her more so than I do now. Hopefully it will be a smooth and quick delivery. Just keep your fingers crossed and wish us luck. Next update will be the birth of our son.

1 comment:

lainey11 said...

hey holly and caleb im so exicted to see my cus for the first time and i know how long and time you have benn trying to keep it a secrete and you did met your goal cant waint to see my cus lawson bryce saul and i will cry so have tissus ready and love you very much
lainey the prettist cusion