Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Not So Welcome Guest...Or 4

Caleb and I woke up this morning determined to clean the garage out. Over the course of the last month and a half, our garage turned into a clutter zone. It was filled with emptied boxes, paint supplies, and of course all of the stuff we will be storing there. It was very hard to walk around and we wanted to at least get it cleared so we could have room to put shelving in. I am a huge organization freak and everytime I would open the door to the garage I could feel the panic creeping up my chest. It was time to do something.
Caleb got started while I finished up some paperwork for work. I was on the phone with my dad trying to figure out the best benefit package to choose and I hear a loud crash from downstairs followed by Caleb dashing up the stairs. It was so loud my dad heard it on the other end of the phone. I thought Caleb had hurt himself but as soon as he got to the top of the stairs he stopped and just stared at me. I asked him what was wrong and he got one word out of his mouth....."SPIDER". I laughed because I was thinking it was just a small spider that I would have to go and kill. Caleb HATES spiders and wont ever go near them. I am not a big fan of spiders myself but I will kill the occasional spider that makes its way into the house.
I told him I would be there in a minute and the next thing I know, Caleb is at the door again with his paintball gun gased up and ready to go. I laughed again telling him that I would kill the stupid spider and he did not need to worry about shooting the poor thing. Then it hit me, what type of spider was this?
I took one look at this spider in the corner of the garage and said..."shoot it". It was a black widow and I drew the line there. One black widow to kill is not a huge deal but the next thing I know, Caleb turns around to find two more black widows right outside the garage. Now, I am not opposed to sharing my living space with furry members of our animal kingdom (aka, dogs) but cohabitating with arachnids, especially those deadly thanks.
After our lovely encounter, we cautiously removed boxes from the garage to load into Caleb's car. We had made a pile right outside the trunk and as Caleb put the last box down, we noticed a nice little black blotch with a red spot on its back about a foot from his hand....yep you guessed it, ANOTHER BLACK WIDOW.
4 black widows in one day was more than enough for me and we took a trip to Lowes where we purchased Home Defense Spray and Insect Killer for your yard. We probably overdid it but the only time I intend on seeing a black widow ever again is....NEVER! I guess I should count my blessings least it wasn't a snake...or 4.

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