Saturday, February 7, 2009

Where Does the Time Go?!? I swore to myself that I would keep up with this blog...5 months I am. Things have been rediculously busy over the last few months! I cannot believe it is February, 2009 already. So I guess I will update in a few entries about what has been going on in our lives since I last posted. First things first...

We are absolutely loving our new house. It is so nice to come home everyday to a place that you work so hard to have. It is tough work keeping up with everything though. I feel like we constantly clean and it never feels finished. We still have boxes that have not been unpacked from moving over six months ago. I think I am just going to take those boxes to Goodwill and donate them. If they haven't been opened yet, I am sure there is nothing that we would miss too much in them. HAHA!
We have several projects that we are working on at the moment. The biggest is our garage. Right now, it looks like a bomb went off. During our move, it seemed like the general statement was, "Just throw it in the garage, we will get to it later". We started cleaning it out a little in the fall but then the weather got pretty cold and we put it off. is no longer being put of. I cannot stand to go outside and look at our neighbors with their garages open and so organized. I feel embarassed to have ours open for 10 seconds. My goal is to get the garage so organized that we can pull one of our cars into it. I think we might try our hand at a garage sale and then donate whatever is left after that. Our neighborhood had a community garage sale back in November but we just weren't prepared enough for one at that time. Only a few houses (all in our cul-de-sac) participated but the turnout was great! I think we might try and organize another community garage sale in the spring. I think we will definitely take advantage of the "spring cleaning" this year. Anyway, the garage is just one of several "to do's" we have on our list. Hopefully by this summer, we will have made a dent.
I have some pictures of our house and the pups in the recent snow. We left our battery charger for our camera in Virginia a few weeks ago and the batteries are dead. As soon as we get them back, I will post pictures.

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