Friday, January 22, 2010

Favorite Fridays!

So I have decided I am going to try something a little different with our blog. I am still going to update on the day to day happenings in our new life with Lawson but I also wanted to start a product review of sorts. I have several friends who are expecting babies or who are thinking about trying to have babies in the near future. Although I have only been a mommy for a little over a month, I get many questions about all the different things that we use on a day to day basis. I do not claim to be an expert on any of these products but I do know what we have liked and hated. When I was pregnant, it helped so much to have another mommy answer all my questions and give me an honest opinion about the products that they found useful and not so useful. So this is my attempt to help all the soon to be mommies out there.
I am going to call it Favorite Friday! The way I think this will work is every Friday, I will pick a product that we love and blog about it. I will list the pros and cons (if there are any), provide a picture and then list the places where you can buy it with the best prices we could find. Hopefully this will spark some good discussions and help new mommies and daddies find useful products at good prices. With that said, let the fun of Favorite Friday begin!

The first official Favorite Friday product is: Gerber Side Snap Onesies (not to be confused with the Gerber bottom snap onesies).


We absolutely love these onesies. They are made of 100% cotton and very soft. Lawson seems to be very comfortable and can move well when in them. They snap on the sides to make for easy access. We found them very useful when visiting the pediatricians office and stripping him down to his diaper and then quickly dressing him when the appointment was finished. They do not pull over the head which is something that my child absolutely hates when getting dressed in the regular bottom snap onesies. We also found them useful at night. Lawson loves to sleep in his sleep sack but does not like the swaddle piece because he cannot move his arms. I used the sidesnap onesies to make sure his arms stayed warm. They also come with cuffs to cover his hands (because they get so cold at night) which is an added benefit because Lawson always finds a way to get the little mittens off. I also really like the side-snap t-shirts. They are great for lounging around the house in just that and a diaper; however, I do not use them at night because they ride up and I have to worry about his tummy getting cold. That is the added benefit of the onesie! It stays on and in place! :)


Unfortunately, if you have a long torsoed child, these onesies will not last you long. We were fortunate enough to be able to use the newborn size for about two weeks. Some of our friends had to use the 0-3 month size from day 1 and after two weeks were completely out of them, which brings me to my next con. I have not been able to find the onesies in any bigger sizes. They only come in newborn and 0-3 month. Lawson is not even two months old yet and we have almost completely outgrown the 0-3 month. I know that there are other companies that make side-snap t-shirts and onesies but I really like the Gerber brand. If you know that Gerber makes bigger sizes, please let me know! :)

We have only been able to find the side-snap onesies at Target. They are $9.99 for a pack of three. I have also found them at for a little cheaper but they are ALWAYS out of stock with no option for backorder. The side-snap t-shirts come in packs of two at Babies R Us; however they are available in packs of three at for $6.99 (and they are in stock more often then not). Happy Shopping! :)

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