Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas with the Sauls!

*Note: for some reason the date on this blog is saying it was posted Dec 22...this is not the case...Christmas really has come and gone...it is Sunday the 27th!*
It is amazing to me that Christmas has already come and gone. I blinked and poof it was over. I had full intentions of blogging about our Christmas preparations long ago but a little handsome boy changed that mighty quickly. Of course I will be blogging about little monkey's first Christmas but I think it is necessary to blog about our Christmas preparations first mostly because we have a slight obsession with EVERYTHING Christmas (from the preparations to the gifts to the family time, etc...)
Disclaimer...while we LOVE Christmas, the preparations aren't always merry but my husband makes sure those not so merry moments make for good laughs!
I suppose starting from the beginning is as good a place as any. Caleb and I knew that we were going to have to start Christmas decorations early this year if we were going to get all of them up. We were unsure of when little monkey was going to grace us with his presence and once he was here...all bets were off as far as getting the normal done! I believe we need to rewind back to the weekend of November 6. Yep that's right folks...the very first weekend in November. We were officially part of the "its not even Thanksgiving yet and they have Christmas decorations up" crowd.
At this point...I was very pregnant and all of our Christmas decorations were in the attic, to which the entrance was in our finally finished nursery. Now I will claim that my hormones were talking but my husband claims otherwise...I did not want to wait any longer to get these decorations because I did not want my son to come home from the hospital to a cluttered mess in his room, like he would have known any differently, but still. So Friday, November 6, we pulled all of our decorations down from the attic and on Saturday, because the tree was screaming "put me up", we put up our tree. Ok, Ok and all of the other indoor Christmas decorations as well. Those of you who know us, know that our decorations dont just consist of a simple tree and some garland. My husband is obsessed with his train set and the winter village that goes with it. This was an undertaking but I was determined it would be finished that very weekend! And that it was...

Christmas Tree and Village in the Living Room


Close-Up View of Caleb's Village

China Chest (from IKEA...I'll post about my true love for all things IKEA on another day)...Halfway Decorated...I added Christmas placemats and napkins with a nicer centerpiece later.
Mini Tree in the Family Room...and yes I like the tilt...it gives it character! :)
Lawson's very own tree...complete with footballs, baseballs and sports snowmen! :)

We agreed that we would not subject our neighbors to our outdoor extravaganza until the weekend after Thanksgiving and went about our daily lives pretending that the inside of our house was not yet a Christmas wonderland (although when Caleb wasnt looking, I would turn on the Christmas tree lights and sit and enjoy for a bit...haha).
The following weekend, Caleb and I were returning to the house after running a few errands around town. As we pulled into the neighborhood, I noticed our neighbor on his roof putting his Christmas lights on the house. The first thought that came to my mind was..."thank God...we arent the only crazies putting up Christmas long before Thanksgiving". I looked at my husband and could see the wheels in his head turning as he blurted out..."It's on". Our agreement about waiting to put the outdoor decorations up until after Thankgiving just went out the window along with my husband and our Christmas lights...literally. While I was busy thinking about not being the only idiots putting our decorations up early, he was thinking he needed to take out the competition and pronto.
After about 10 minutes of my husband out on the roof...I hear a loud yell of profanity followed by..."Holly, get me a beer". I knew at this point that things were going down hill and fast. I ran quickly to the refrigerator and gasped when I realized for the first time in a very long time...there was no beer in the house. We are not huge beer or alcohol drinkers but there is always at least a few beers hanging in the fridge.
Sidenote: I usually notice when the beer supply is getting low and replenish our stash; however, I quit doing that the last time I went to the grocery and a little old lady glared at me and then my belly as I was walking to check out with a 12 pack of Miller Lite. Clearly I was not buying the beer for me and my unborn child but she had other thoughts. I felt a sense of hatred toward this lady as I frequently felt toward anyone who made a slight glare of disapproval in my direction for whatever reason (even if they really didn't) and decided it best that for her sake and the sake of the general public...I quit buying anything that would make me look like a careless mommy-to-be.
So back to the problem at hand...Here is my husband...outside on the roof obviously pissed at the world because the current strand of Christmas lights wasn't working (not to mention the thought that he might not "out-do" the neighbors...how griswaldy of him) and there is nothing I can do to fufill his request. I walked to the window, leaned out and broke the news. Now if I wasn't on bedrest, I would have run to the store and fixed the problem no matter what the look from little old Bertha and her knitting group, but I had been out of work and the money flow did not allow for the little extras here and there. My news did not go over well...I believe the exact words were..."Merry (fill in the blank with an expletive of your choice) Christmas to me". I offered him a nice cup of hot chocolate as we had plenty to fill my intense craving for all things chocolate at the end of my pregnancy and he just stared at me. Hot chocolate for beer...ok not the best substitute I have ever come up with but I was trying.
The best description I can give you for how the rest of the day went is from the 12 days of Christmas..."Stringing up the #*#*#*# lights". Nevertheless with all of the swearing and beerless hours of decorating...my husband finished and I do have to say...he did a pretty darn good job! Our house definitely looked the best and most classy on the block if you will allow me to boast for just a quick second! The following pictures were taken at the beginning of the recent snow "storm" we had. Merry Christmas from our house to yours! :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Lawson meet...

So I know that I am somewhat behind on posts here. Being a mommy takes a lot of time from being pooped and peed on, to feeding to just plain staring at monkey for hours on end...but it is worth every bit of it! Lawson has been here with us for 11 days and I am just now getting around to posting about who he met in his first few days in this world but I promise...I will get caught up. It did not take long for word to spread that our little monkey had arrived and within a few hours of his birth, Lawson got to meet so many of our closest family and friends. Perhaps the most emotional meeting was Caleb's grandfather, Lawson. He had no idea that we had decided to name our little monkey after him and we caught every moment of the meeting and name revealing on videotape and camera of course. I will post pictures here and once all family has seen the video...I will try and post that here as well!

Lawson meets Kay Kay for the first time. Kay was my TA last year and is like a second mom to me! LOVE HER!

Lawson meet Lawson! Priceless moment!
Lawson meets his Poppy for the first (well second but first holding)time

Lawson meeting my dad for the second time (first time holding). He is going to let monkey decide what he will be called! :)

Lawson meet "Uncle" Collin

Lawson meeting G-ma and Aunt Sara

Lawson meeting "Aunt" JP for the first time. I think he recognized her voice...she was the loud one he heard talking to her from the outside all the time! HAHA! Love her!

Meeting cousin Lauren!

Great Aunt Hota holding Monkey for the first time. She met him in the delivery room! :)

Lawson meeting Great Uncle William!

Heather came to meet Lawson! Her daughter was born almost exactly a month before Lawson. Ava wasnt allowed at the hospital because of H1N1 restrictions but we have documentation of their first meeting which is in a future post! :)

We have several more pictures on our other memory card of all the people Lawson has met. I will post those later! There is only one person missing from all of these pictures and that is my mom. She was not able to make it into town because of work but she will be here this Saturday and you better believe 100 pictures will be taken of that meeting! I CANNOT WAIT to see her and have her meet her grandson for the first time! :)

Sunday, December 13, 2009


If you have not already read the post below...these pictures will make more sense after reading although I am leaving a lot out! :)
Mommy and Daddy waiting on Lawson to come! The contractions are starting to get stronger!

Last Belly Pic, the point at the end of my tummy is the contraction and FHR monitor

Dad and I right before the pain got more intense and dad decided to take camp in the waiting room...HAHA!

Little Man is here and weighing in at 7 lbs 6 oz

Trying to figure out exactly what just happened!

Our nurse Heather holding Lawson with Ginger (another nurse) looking on

Daddy holding his son for the very first time!

Dr. Ross holding Lawson!

Dr Ross and Lawson...notice the pink heels! LOVE HER!

Daddy bringing Lawson to Mommy!

Our little family!

Opening one eye to make sure all is clear and there are no more nurses poking at him! All is safe little monkey...your with mommy now! :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

It's already been a week!

So I sat down to watch some TV tonight with Caleb and Lawson and got to thinking...this time last week, we were in labor and delivery awaiting the arrival of our little monkey. My first reaction to that thought...tears streaming down my face! Poor Caleb looked over and was scared to death that something was wrong...oh no my dear...these are just the baby blues. Nothing major of course, just emotional from time to time. My doctor said it was completely normal to go through random bouts of crying and sometimes for silly reasons. My hormones are acting crazy right now and if I want to cry about something, watch out...I turn on the water works and 5 minutes later, Im laughing. I suppose tonight the emotion of everything we went through just hit me again (along with the complete lack of sleep I have gotten since last Thursday...haha). Sometimes I wish I could just freeze time. I thought in honor of one week ago, I would tell you all the story of my labor and delivery...don't worry, I'll make it reader friendly but I can't promise it will be short!! :) ( I started writing this on Thursday, December 10 and finished on Saturday the 12 if that tells you anything about the length).
Rewind to Wednesday, December 2. My dad had just arrived from Florida on business. He decided to take us out to dinner. This was a welcome trip as I had been couped up in the house for weeks trying to make sure I didnt go into labor pre-maturely. Don't worry, when I hit 38 weeks, my doctor said it was ok to take short trips to dinner or to the grocery store as long as it was in Burlington or Greensboro. I had been feeling funny all day and thought for sure that something was going to happen that evening so we decided to go to Greensboro for dinner with the car fully packed. We ate, we talked, we drove home.
I woke up Thursday morning (at 8 am...this becomes important later when I tell you about sleep deprivation...haha), December 3rd without a single symptom of labor. WHAT? Where did all the weird feelings from yesterday go? How could they just disappear? Then my sweet husband reminded me that it is the story of my life. It never just comes easy...THANKS! HA! I was also upset because I knew MY doctor was on call today and that if I didnt deliver today, she probably would not deliver me because she was not on call again until December 18th. Caleb decided to go ahead and go to work as there was nothing going on. I started my normal daily routine of showering, watching every baby show on TV and stalking people on facebook. Ok, Ok, I did some laundry too. Caleb called to see how I was doing and I said I felt great. As soon as I got off the phone, I walked into the bathroom to get some more laundry and felt a weird tightening in my tummy. The same one I had felt the day before except this time it hurt. It passed and on I went about my "chores". About 10 minutes later, the pain started again. I called Caleb and told him. He decided he would come home. He did. Of course when he got home, it had all stopped...again the story of not only my life..but his too. We decided that since it was so nice outside, we would take the girls to the track for a walk. Not 2 minutes into the walk, I started feeling an unbelievable pressure and the same tightening from before. This time, they started happening closer together and after about 2 hours, I decided to call my doctors office.
They asked to see me at 3:30. Caleb and I packed the car knowing full well that it was all for nothing because we would be sent home again but figured it was worth it just in case.
Fast forward to the doctors office. I am MISERABLE. I feel like I can't breathe and that there is a watermelon between my legs everytime I try to walk. In walks Dr. Ross. She could tell I was miserable. I told her as I was sitting there that I felt like I was leaking. She checked and said that she thought I had ruptured my membranes. Thats it folks...my water had broken (not a full gush...just a little leak). Her exact words were, "lets have a baby". WHAT?? For real, your not just joking are you? Every emotion filled my body at once. I was scared of what I was about to go through, happy because I was going to meet my son, sad because my mom wouldnt make it from Florida to be there, EXCITED because my dad just happened to be in town and relieved that little monkey had listened to all those pep talks from mommy about waiting until Dr. Ross was on call.
Off we went to the hospital. We called family on the way and the race was on for them to get to the hospital. Although he was the last to arrive, Howard (Caleb's dad) wins the speedy award and the dumb award all at once. He pushed the petal to the metal and made it from just north of ATL to the hospital in 4.5 hours....I know that he was super excited however...the goal was to make it safe to meet your grandson without a ticket for wreckless and careless...HAHA! Needless to say, he beat his grandson by a long shot and we are happy that he made it safely. I do believe that Dr. Ross said..."Doesnt he know this is your first baby..he wont just fall out you know!" HAHA
Anyway, when we arrived at the hospital, they immediately checked me in. Then the nurse said, "By the way, it looks like you will be here with us for a while as we have no room in triage and no room in any of the birthing suites". EXCUSE ME...come again. Apparently everybody and their sister was having a baby that night and there was no room for us at that time. Now if you know me...my baby was not going to be born in a room that did not have the word suite attached to it...haha. Luckily, they did end up getting me into a triage room...which was better than laboring in the admissions waiting room. They hooked me up to the monitor and as soon as the nurse walked out after saying it might be a while before I could move to a suite...another nurse came with a wheel chair. Somehow a birthing suite with my name on it magically appeared...I wonder who did that...haha!
We were off! As soon as I got to the room, I got situated and the first question I was asked by my nurse, Heather was, "What is your plan for pain management?". I dont know about you, but if it hurts and there is something to cure it then BRING IT ON. I believe it was Dr. Ross who said, have a few contractions just to say you felt it and then kill it! I did not need the epidural right then. I was having very regular contractions but they were bearable. The shift changed at 7 pm and in walked my new nurse also named Heather. Thank God for Heather. She was the most amazing nurse in the world. She made my night so much easier!!

Here is a picture of me right before we started pushing!
HAHA.....Not so much! This is actually shortly after getting hooked up to all the monitors in the birthing suite. I was still feeling good at this point. The contractions were coming regularly but they were of the bearable type....you know like feeling soar from doing 50 crunches. Ok, Ok who am I kidding, 50 crunches happened back in my highschool days...more like 5 now will cause me that kind of discomfort. HA!
The contractions began to get stronger and I thought for sure that I was progressing nicely. Afterall, with minor contractions I had dilated to 5 cm outside of the hospital so this labor thing was looking like a piece of cake! GUESS AGAIN! I was having a grand time texting, picture taking, and laughing with my hubby and his Aunt Hota. I think tears were rolling we were laughing so hard about different things. My nurse and I were having conversations about music and One Tree Hill! Little did I know that my fun was about to end!
Dr. Ross came in to check my progress. I was still at 5 cm and the pitocin was ordered. I'm not going to lie...this made me more nervous than anything because I had heard this was the drug of Satan and I was not fully willing to let Satan take over my body! Afterall...I was living the dream delivery at that point...laughter and little pain.
Enter 3 hours later. The pitocin certainly was the drug of Satan. I have a picture of me showing what the contractions were feeling like and I will NOT be posting that here! I started to think that maybe the nurse should check me. I made the decision that if I had progressed to close to the pushing stage, I would forgo the epidural but if I had not progressed much, I would surrender. I honestly thought that with the intensity of the contractions that I was feeling, I would be on the home stretch and I would be able to say that I made it without the epi...OH WRONG AGAIN. The nurse checked me and I was still at 5 cm. I through up the white flag! PLEASE send in the anesthesiologist. I had been told that it might take a while for this doctor to make his appearance so I grabbed some ice chips and Caleb helped me breath through the contractions. What a wonderful hubby!
It did not take long for the little bald man in scrubs to make his way into my room. I was delighted to see him but could not let him know because at this point...it hurt to talk. I sat up in the bed and my body began shaking uncontrollably. Not just a little...hello im cold shaking...this was the big leagues my friends. I was shaking like those people you see on TV that were coming off of some sort of drug addictions...NOT FUN! This of course got me to thinking...CRAP, I am shaking so hard this guy is going to puncture my spine and really make me numb. The doctor did not seem to mind. He told me his name several times but I still cannot remember it so lets just call him Dr. HEAVEN! His name will change in a minute but don't worry, it will go back to Dr. Heaven.
Dr. Heaven administered the epidural without any flaws. He told me exactly what he was going to do and what I would feel before he did it. It did not hurt at all. The worst part of it was trying to live through the contractions hunched over. Caleb, Hota and my nurse got me through it without any problems. My feet started to tingle immediately as Dr. Heaven proclaimed...4 cc's. I dont know what that meant but it sure felt good. There went my legs next as Dr. Heaven proclaimed 7 cc's. OK we were heading in the right direction. I laid back and within 4 minutes, I felt NOTHING! Oh thank you Dr. Heaven...you just made my life! He was in and out with the blink of an eye but he was my new best friend....UNTIL....
Because I was feeling better, Caleb went to the waiting room to give an update. I looked over at Hota as I reached for another red popsicle and what do you know, I fell over..almost out of the bed. I could not move my arm...OMG...I can't breath now. Dr. Heaven quickly got renamed to Dr. Hell. What had he done to me. I was losing all feeling in my whole body. My nurse came in and Hota said the color quickly drained from my face. I was gray. I took one look at my nurse and said...I'm gonna throw up. She grabbed a bucket and just in the nick of time...up up and away except I could not feel the sensation of throwing up. I just knew it was happening because of what I was holding in my hands. The nurse took my blood pressure. It had dropped. She quickly gave me a shot of something in my IV and instantly, the nausea stopped. GOD BLESS HEATHER! The anesthesiologist was called and he ordered the epidural be turned off. Instant relief, I regained feeling in my arms and chest. I could breath again but then PANIC...no epidural means A LOT of pain. Heather decided to turn the epidural back on because we figured out that those 7 cc's I loved so much was just too much for my body at one time and now that it had worn off some, the rest of the dose would go in at a slower pace and my body could handle that. She was right and I was back to calling the anesthesiologist Dr. Heaven!!
Dr. Ross came in again and checked me. I was at 6 cm. She decided that she wanted to measure the intensity of my contractions and also get a better measure of Lawson's heart rate. She broke my bag of water completely and then added a few internal monitors. I wont go into detail here but lets just say that all modesty at this point went out the window. Lawson did not like when she broke my bag of water completely and his heart rate began to do a little dance. Dr. Ross carefully monitored him and as soon as I moved onto my side, everything went back to normal. This whole process made me go from 6 to 7 cm by the time Dr. Ross had finished. Dr. Ross decided to go home for a little while and get some sleep and advised me and Caleb to do the same as the pushing would be starting sooner rather than later. We turned off the lights and Caleb went to the computer to update the blog. The nurse came back in the room and I started feeling a familiar pain in my left side along with a tremendous amount of pressure. The pain in my side was a contraction...what the heck happened to my epidural. This was not supposed to happen. My nurse informed me that just like everything else in this world...gravity was taking effect and my epi was going to the side I was laying on only. I rolled to my left side...except gravity stayed with my right...explain that. The pain was so bad all I could do was breathe to get through it. Caleb sat by my side and rubbed my head as I just breathed. My nurse told me to push the button to administor more epidural but I was terrified. Remember what happened last time I had to much epidural? I finally caved and pressed the button...THANK GOD for HEATHER again. No blood pressure drops, just relief except for this tremendous pressure and urge to push. Heather told me just to breathe through it as the baby was making his way down on his own and this would make the pushing phase go quicker. Caleb layed down for a little while and Hota and I just talked stopping at each contraction to concentrate on not pushing. I know I gave her a few good laughs because of my worries about the pushing phase but at least I was cracking a smile now and again.
About 30 minutes later the nurse came in to check me. 10 cm and ready to push...CALEB WAKE UP. Caleb shot up off the broken couch/bed (again welcome to our life that the room we get has the broken couch bed and strobe light disco dance party when the lights dim) like a deflating ballon. Don't worry no baby yet but we are getting close. The nurse taught me how to push and after two rounds of contractions, Dr. Ross was there. I thought she would just come in to catch the baby but she stayed the entire pushing phase. What an AWESOME doctor. By the way, did I mention she was wearing pink heels. They look like clogs in some pictures but no joke these were wooden clunky PINK heels that I absolutely loved (check out the pics in the next post). My son will hear this story over and over again.
We began pushing. Each push I could feel I was getting a little closer. I had no feeling in my right side though so I depended solely on the nurse to let me know that what I was feeling was truly a contraction. In between each contraction we talked with Dr. Ross about everything from what crazy program was on TV to hunting. It made life a lot easier! After about an hour, I knew we were getting close. I could feel more pressure than ever before and doctor ross suited up. I was in the zone. Each contraction I pushed harder and harder not paying any attention to anything but the sound of Caleb's voice helping me through. After about an hour and 10 minutes, I heard Dr. Ross say hold on a minute, relax...ok push a little more and then at 5:55 a.m. all I heard was open your eyes and a loud screaming cry. My son was born! There are absolutely no words to describe the feeling. I looked at my baby boy and then at my husband and never in my life felt more love than I did in that moment. We all cried and then laughed as Lawson decided to pee all over Dr. Ross, probably to get her back for that bag of water she broke. He did not like that! Caleb then cut the cord and they handed me my son for the very first time. It was love at first site and I will never EVER forget the feeling! I have several pictures of this whole process but I will keep those for us. I will post pictures tomorrow of the shots after this moment and of Lawson getting all cleaned up and then coming to see me when things had calmed down. I am forever grateful to Dr. Ross and Heather, my nurse for making this experience the best in my life! I could not have done it without them (and Caleb and Hota of course!). Oh yeah and a big thank you to my friend Heather who stayed up all night texting me to make sure everything was going ok and to Michelle for bringing me french toast sticks for breakfast Friday morning! :)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

We Are Home!

Wow! What a whirlwind the last few days of our lives have been! We came home this past Sunday and have been adjusting to life as a family of three. We are so in love with our son and would not change everything we went through with my pregnancy for anything in the world. He is worth every minute of sickness, bed rest and pain that came from carrying him for nine months! Someone asked me if I would do it all over again and while I was pregnant, my answer was I dont know if I can go through it again, now...my answer is ABSOLUTELY! There are no words to describe the feeling of being a mommy and the love I feel for my husband and the perfect little miracle we created! :) Here are some pictures from the last few days. There will be more to come along with more specific updates about the happenings in our new life!
Monkey before getting ready to go home

Soooo sleepy!

Mommy cant get enough of the little man

All dressed and ready to go home! We watched football all afternoon and mommy says I was a good luck charm for the Dolphins! They beat the Pats! YAY!

I love sleeping on Daddy's chest. Mommy makes him wear breath right strips cause he snores! HA!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Lawson Bryce Saul

Welcome Lawson Bryce Saul!!! We love you!
Born December 4 at 5:55 a.m
7 lbs 6 oz
20 1/4 inches
More pictures to come in the next few days! :)

He's Here!

It's Holly! Our baby boy was born at 5:55 a.m! It was love at first sight! He came out just as perfect as could be with a big set of crying lungs! Music to his daddy and my ears! He weighed in at 7 lbs 6 oz and is 20 1/4 inches long! He is BEAUTIFUL! I know most of you know his name but we are waiting on one very special person who reads this blog to come to the hospital to be introduced in person before I share his name here!
In true Saul fashion, we forgot the camera cord to upload pictures but my dad who sat in the waiting room with Caleb's family all night, will be bringing it by later today and I promise to get pictures up! Before I go, I want to say a huge thank you to Caleb's aunt who stayed up with me all night while Caleb tried to get a few minutes of shut eye. We could not have done it without her and we are so happy to have shared that moment with her! :)
I will blog more later...I am exhausted...no sleep at all last night but worth every minute! He is with his daddy right now in the nursery getting his bath! I am trying to be patient but it is taking to long!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Oh Boy

Caleb again, I will keep it short and sweet. Holly is now 7cm dialated and will begin to push shortly. She had some troubles at first with the epidural. Bit of a scare, her blood pressure dropped and her color ran from her face. Shortly after that nausea set in. After some adjust to her epi and meds to stabilize her BP all was good. Doc Ross instructed her to take a nap while she could. Epidural is now established and running she feels nothing but pressure now. I am so proud of her, and have never loved her more so than I do now. Hopefully it will be a smooth and quick delivery. Just keep your fingers crossed and wish us luck. Next update will be the birth of our son.

Little Man

Caleb here, bare with me folks, Holly has more writing skills in here pinky finger, than I do in my entire body. Thats ok my job is done, I produced a son. Just kidding, I know my job is far from over. Its just getting started. We are now in our birthing room at Womens Hospital. Little man is due to make an appearance, I hope sooner than later, for Hollys sake. I am comfortable and Holly, well Holly is in labor. At 3:30pm we were seen at Doc Ross' office, we learned Holly had broken her water, and had progressed to 5cm dialated. Doc Ross proclaimed "looks like we are having a baby today." Holls and I were a bit taken back. We knew the day was coming, but didn't expect today. Fast forward 3 hours. Doc Ross' first visit. Still at 5cm Although the contractions are strong she has not progressed as quickly as Doc Ross would like. Pitocin has been ordered Holly is nervous as she has heard this is the drug of satan...hopefully it will progress her quickly and the pain wont be felt for long...if not...the epidural is ready when she asks for it!! She has been a trooper thus far. Until next time. Our son might be here by then...hopefully.
H and C

PS...This is Holly for a quick note...I would just like to say that my doctor is wearing scrubs and PINK HEELS! I LOVE HER! :)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Pregnancy Quiz...Stolen from Hillary! :)

How far along are you: 36 weeks 3 days (sorry for the poor photography skills...no husband to take the picture and everytime I tried to turn off the flash it would automatically turn itself back on...so I gave up..this is as good as it gets at this point people...haha)

Maternity Clothes? Well...yes however the shirt I have on in this picture is not maternity and while I know I am stretching it to the brim...it is still comfortable and that is what matters most to me right now. Although most of the other clothes I wear are all maternity.

Sleep? HAHAHAHAHAHA! What is that? I know that my body is preparing me for what lies ahead however...peeing 14 times in one night is a bit rediculous don't you think? At least I am getting used to not sleeping before little man arrives though!

Best Moment this week? Relaxing as much as possible. Although I am getting really bored with this moderate bed rest stuff...it has been nice to relax. I got so bored today that I printed color by numbers off the internet to try and entertain myself...HAHAHA...I suppose that is the teacher in me coming out...either that or the complete craziness of cabin fever!

Movement: Oh yes...he is having a party in my belly...it is a little scary looking sometimes!

Gender: OH BOY!

Labor Signs: Yep...as of Tuesday...3+ cm dilated and 80% effaced, intensifying contractions and well I wont go into anymore detail...Unfortunately for me...only being at 36 weeks does not allow me the fun of walking into the hospital and saying...TAKE HIM OUT! I am just going with the flow..he will come when he is ready! :)

Stretch Marks: NOPE! :)

Belly Button in or out: SIGH...Out...but it is better than the stretch marks!

Cravings/Aversions: My only two aversions left right now are steak and the smell of make-up. Cravings as of this week...still Icees and for the first time in a long time...Chic-Fil-A waffle fries (something not so healthy as opposed to my carrot, apple and eggplant craving the entire pregnancy)

What I miss: My pre-pregnancy jeans. I have never gone this long when the weather has turned without my fave pair of jeans...maybe before winter is over I will be able to squeeze into them for a day or two...here's to dreaming! Oh yeah and Advil liqui-gels...those things kill a headache in a minute and man what I would give for two to kill this headache I have now...haha!

What I am looking forward to: Well let's see...LITTLE MAN being HERE...I suppose he could come any day now but although his daddy and I cannot wait to meet him, we know he could stand a little more time inside...but patience is getting harder and harder to come by especially with nothing to do but sit around the house!

Weekly Wisdom: Blogging has helped me feel so much better about everything that is happening right now...why did I stop doing this for so long?? And also...I love my husband more than anything in this world...he has been the most supportive person throughout this entire pregnancy and just when I think he is going to crack...he steps up and does something even more amazing than he has before! He has been through just as much as I have these past months yet puts me first over everything else! LOVE HIM! :)

Milestones: Finishing the nursery. I will post pictures in my next blog...got to keep you coming back for something! :)

Week 32

This was at 32 weeks pregnant. Definitely getting bigger...
(excuse the nearly make-up less face, one of my pregnancy aversions was the smell of any type of make-up...SORRY)

Week 22

Here is a picture of my belly at 22 weeks pregnant...

Pictures from the past 8 months...

So I am finally uploading some pictures to this blog...lets face it...words without pictures are no fun! I am going to group the photos in a few different entries so that it doesnt get to be to much...and because well...I like them to be organized in categories...NESTING MUCH?? The following pictures are from our trip to Atlanta in September. We went down to visit Caleb's dad and to go to the Dolphins/Falcons game. We were supposed to win that game but well...haha!

The trip was great; however the Falcons fans are TERRIBLE! I guess they dont call it the dirty south for nothing...and by dirty I mean...trying to kick a pregnant woman down the stairs as we were exiting the stadium. Oh well...he and his alcohol induced stuper missed and there was no harm done...Never again will I attend a game in Atlanta though.
Outside the Stadium (This was our little man's first NFL game...he enjoyed himself but not the outcome...haha)

Unfortunately...this is what the Falcons did to the Fins...BOOO!

View from out seats

Finding Out: Boy or Girl??

At week 18, we had an appointment to find out the sex of our baby. Of course, our doctor was out on her own maternity leave so we started our rotation through the practice at that appointment (two weeks earlier than usual). I was a little nervous because I had grown to like Dr. Ross so much that I didnt really want to have a different doctor for such a big appointment. We sat in the waiting room with huge smiles on our faces anticipating what we would find out. I looked at my cell phone to see what time it was and noticed that I had missed a call from the doctor's office. I looked at Caleb as I listened to the voicemail and my heart sank. After all we had just been through with my sickness, we were told in the voicemail that the U/S tech was sick and we would have to reschedule the U/S part of the appointment. WHAT???? This cannot be happening! My poor husband was so excited to find out if he would get his wish for a boy and now we would have to reschedule for another time??
We were called back to see Dr. Horvath and I cracked while we were in the exam room. I told her how excited we were about finding out and begged her to see if there was something she could do to help us out. Although she was on call and had a lot on her schedule, she did take the time to "try" and do the u/s for us. Because of the baby's position, she was unable to give a definite answer and we were left with a 60% chance that it was a boy but no guarantees. We were so disappointed but knew that we would find out sooner or later. Luckily for us it was sooner...the doctor's office called us about an hour later and said that the U/S tech decided to come in for a half day and that they had put me first on her schedule! HOW NICE IS THAT! We were elated again and just a few short hours later we were viewing our second U/S and there across the screen we saw...OH BOY! We were both so excited and in the fashion of many first time parents to be...went immediately to the store to pick out our new baby boys wardrobe! Ok Ok so we went a little overboard but I am happy to say that 3/4 of the clothes that are in our baby boy's closet today have been gifts that we are very grateful for!! :)
I cannot upload pictures from my laptop because my camera cord is missing however I can upload from the card on our desktop. I will work on getting pictures of me and the nursery up in the next few days. :)

Let the Next Phase of Pregnancy Begin

I cannot even begin to explain to you how miserable I was during the next phase of pregnancy. When we found out we were pregnant we were so happy and all I kept hearing was about how wonderful being pregnant was. Umm...I dont know what planet these pregnant people were from but starting in week 7, I was MISERABLE. I had heard about morning sickness but why it is called that is beyond me. Sure I was sick in the morning, but I was also sick at noon and night. There was no such thing as relief. I would think I found something to help cure the constant nausea and vomiting but my body would quickly say..."GUESS AGAIN". I remember laying on the floor of the bathroom sobbing that I did not know how I would get through it. My sweet husband just sat there rubbing my head promising that I would get through it and to just think about the baby that would come from all this sickness. While that was comforting and I know once I am holding my son I will say those words, " I would do it all over again", in that moment on the bathroom floor, I wanted to curl up and die!
I spent two tours in the hospital with what they call hyperemesis of pregnancy. It can best be defined as HELL! Not only for me but my husband as well. He stayed with me each night in the hospital on the uncomfortable chair/bed with nurses in and out all night and then would get up at 5:30 am and go to work just to do it all over again the next night. My doctor assured me that once I got to week 12, things would get better but I reminded her that this was me and not most women. This nightmare continued all the way through week 17. I do not have many pictures to upload from this time in my pregnancy because most of it was spent horizontal in the bed or sitting with my head hanging over the toilet.
I can tell you that I did learn a few things from this experience that I will take with me forever...
1. My husband is the most amazing man in the world.
2. When people say "WE are pregnant" they truly mean it. For example, sure, I am carrying the baby in my belly but my husband is sticking by me every step of the way. He is gaining the weight that I am losing because I cannot stand the smell of ANY food in my house.
3. Whoever said being pregnant is pure bliss...LIED!
4. Even though I learned number 3 the hard way...and will probably give my body a long break before we even discuss having another baby, I know that everything we went through will pay off big time in just a few short weeks (or less at this point). :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Remember Me?

Ok so I told myself that I would keep up with this blog and look where that got me. My last update was around 8 months ago and funny enough, I am 35 weeks (entering my ninth month) pregnant! I figure I will use this entry (and the next few following) to recap the past 8 months and then continue to update on the pregnancy from this point on (yes I am serious this time...haha).
So I suppose I should start at the beginning...enter Monday April 13th, 2009. I was home "sick" from work. We had just spent the weekend with friends and I thought that I had come down with the stomach flu. I felt crumby the entire weekend and then Sunday night started getting sick to my stomach. I had also been really emotional but thought that it was because I was so sick. Caleb thought otherwise. Mondays are Caleb's day off from work and he went out to get me some "ginger-ale and crackers". He did NOT come home with either but instead presented me with a pregnancy test. I laughed at him but took it just to make him happy. I could not believe my eyes when I saw the BFP! I called Caleb upstairs and he thought I was playing a trick on him for not getting me the ginger-ale and crackers I had asked for...umm negatory sweet husband...this is FOR REAL!
We were somewhat in shock as we had not been trying to get pregnant. Our "plan" was to wait at least another year to make sure that finances were secure however that went out the window immediately when we saw that positive. We were both so excited but cautious about it because we knew that it needed to be confirmed by a doctor.
Fast forward to April 23. We are sitting in the doctor's office waiting to meet our new OB. In walks Dr. Ross...I immediately knew we were in the right place. After going through the basic procedures, she called Caleb into the exam room and our first ultrasound took place. The exact words out of Dr. Ross' mouth were "And we have...a baby with a heartbeat". I looked over at the screen and while we did not hear the heartbeat we could see the flicker of our baby's heart right there on the screen! We were both so EXCITED. Dr. Ross spent a long time answering every question that you could ever imagine and we were on our way...complete with our baby's first picture! We both just smiled the entire drive to the hospital to visit Caleb's grandpa who had just had heart surgery. We decided we were going to wait to tell family for a few more weeks until the risk of miscarriage had decreased...guess again....we didnt make it an hour before we spilled the beans!
As we were walking into the hospital...Caleb's dad and aunt were walking out. We smiled at them both and when Caleb's dad gave me a hug...he said..."You are pregnant". Come again...did he really just say that to me...HOLY S*** how did he know that? I did not answer him until we got back to his grandpa's house later where both Caleb and I could tell him together. I called my parents on the way home to tell them. They were elated! We decided to wait to tell the rest of the family after a little more time had gone by but at that moment....
We were 6 weeks and 2 days pregnant and life was GOOD! :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009


I can honestly say that if there is one reason that I have not been posting, it is work. Don't get me wrong, I love my job but it is definitely more time consuming then I ever imagined. The first semester of school for me was a little rough. I found myself questioning if what I spent so much time and effort in college for was really the right thing for me. My days would go from 7 am until late afternoon or early evening. When I would get home, I would have enough time to talk with Caleb for about 10 minutes and then it was off to get more work done for school. It felt like it was never ending. Caleb was a huge support though. I talked with a lot of teachers who said that their marriages struggled a lot because the work never ended. I can completely understand how this could happen. I, however, am really lucky. Caleb has been unbelievably helpful through all of this. Instead of just going into another room and hanging out by himself, he would join me and do whatever it was that I needed him to do. I can't tell you how many nights he would sit on the floor with me and color and cut different activities that I was preparing for my lessons. There were the occasional days he would ask me, "Isn't this what a TA is for?" but he never complained. I guess the most important thing for him is that we were spending time together. How lucky am I?
Things have gotten a lot better since Christmas. I actually feel like I have fallen into a great routine with my kids. They are learning so much and I can really see the progress that I am helping them make. I have one child who is reading and a few more who are so close to reading. It really makes me feel good. I have a new TA who is the most wonderful person ever and I love her very much. I realize now that I do not have to do everything myself. I am able to leave work at a reasonable hour and come home and hang out with Caleb without doing any work for the classroom. Yes there are still several days where I am swamped with paperwork, etc...but there are also days where I put it all aside and just relax. I guess it just took a few weeks off and a nice visit with my parents to realize that there is no point in stressing over things that I cannot control. There were a lot of downs in my first few months as a teacher and I had completely shut myself down. Thanks to Caleb, my parents and my new TA (oh yeah and Powell), I have done a complete 180 and so has my classroom. There is life again and I actually wake up (most mornings...haha) ready to go to school not work. :) I cannot post pictures of my kids online but I will post some pictures of my classroom once the camera charger returns to us.
Caleb's job is going ok. There are a lot of what if's at this point. The economy is taking its toll on Caleb's company. They are making a lot of changes that could affect job security. He now has to work Saturdays which stinks because it is less time we see eachother but we are just both thankful that we have jobs. Caleb has another opportunity that might present itself in the next few months. He is really excited about it and we hope it pans out. I will let him post about it later! :)

Where Does the Time Go?!?

Ok...so I swore to myself that I would keep up with this blog...5 months later...here I am. Things have been rediculously busy over the last few months! I cannot believe it is February, 2009 already. So I guess I will update in a few entries about what has been going on in our lives since I last posted. First things first...

We are absolutely loving our new house. It is so nice to come home everyday to a place that you work so hard to have. It is tough work keeping up with everything though. I feel like we constantly clean and it never feels finished. We still have boxes that have not been unpacked from moving over six months ago. I think I am just going to take those boxes to Goodwill and donate them. If they haven't been opened yet, I am sure there is nothing that we would miss too much in them. HAHA!
We have several projects that we are working on at the moment. The biggest is our garage. Right now, it looks like a bomb went off. During our move, it seemed like the general statement was, "Just throw it in the garage, we will get to it later". We started cleaning it out a little in the fall but then the weather got pretty cold and we put it off. Well...it is no longer being put of. I cannot stand to go outside and look at our neighbors with their garages open and so organized. I feel embarassed to have ours open for 10 seconds. My goal is to get the garage so organized that we can pull one of our cars into it. I think we might try our hand at a garage sale and then donate whatever is left after that. Our neighborhood had a community garage sale back in November but we just weren't prepared enough for one at that time. Only a few houses (all in our cul-de-sac) participated but the turnout was great! I think we might try and organize another community garage sale in the spring. I think we will definitely take advantage of the "spring cleaning" this year. Anyway, the garage is just one of several "to do's" we have on our list. Hopefully by this summer, we will have made a dent.
I have some pictures of our house and the pups in the recent snow. We left our battery charger for our camera in Virginia a few weeks ago and the batteries are dead. As soon as we get them back, I will post pictures.