Friday, November 20, 2009

Finding Out: Boy or Girl??

At week 18, we had an appointment to find out the sex of our baby. Of course, our doctor was out on her own maternity leave so we started our rotation through the practice at that appointment (two weeks earlier than usual). I was a little nervous because I had grown to like Dr. Ross so much that I didnt really want to have a different doctor for such a big appointment. We sat in the waiting room with huge smiles on our faces anticipating what we would find out. I looked at my cell phone to see what time it was and noticed that I had missed a call from the doctor's office. I looked at Caleb as I listened to the voicemail and my heart sank. After all we had just been through with my sickness, we were told in the voicemail that the U/S tech was sick and we would have to reschedule the U/S part of the appointment. WHAT???? This cannot be happening! My poor husband was so excited to find out if he would get his wish for a boy and now we would have to reschedule for another time??
We were called back to see Dr. Horvath and I cracked while we were in the exam room. I told her how excited we were about finding out and begged her to see if there was something she could do to help us out. Although she was on call and had a lot on her schedule, she did take the time to "try" and do the u/s for us. Because of the baby's position, she was unable to give a definite answer and we were left with a 60% chance that it was a boy but no guarantees. We were so disappointed but knew that we would find out sooner or later. Luckily for us it was sooner...the doctor's office called us about an hour later and said that the U/S tech decided to come in for a half day and that they had put me first on her schedule! HOW NICE IS THAT! We were elated again and just a few short hours later we were viewing our second U/S and there across the screen we saw...OH BOY! We were both so excited and in the fashion of many first time parents to be...went immediately to the store to pick out our new baby boys wardrobe! Ok Ok so we went a little overboard but I am happy to say that 3/4 of the clothes that are in our baby boy's closet today have been gifts that we are very grateful for!! :)
I cannot upload pictures from my laptop because my camera cord is missing however I can upload from the card on our desktop. I will work on getting pictures of me and the nursery up in the next few days. :)

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