Thursday, November 12, 2009

Remember Me?

Ok so I told myself that I would keep up with this blog and look where that got me. My last update was around 8 months ago and funny enough, I am 35 weeks (entering my ninth month) pregnant! I figure I will use this entry (and the next few following) to recap the past 8 months and then continue to update on the pregnancy from this point on (yes I am serious this time...haha).
So I suppose I should start at the beginning...enter Monday April 13th, 2009. I was home "sick" from work. We had just spent the weekend with friends and I thought that I had come down with the stomach flu. I felt crumby the entire weekend and then Sunday night started getting sick to my stomach. I had also been really emotional but thought that it was because I was so sick. Caleb thought otherwise. Mondays are Caleb's day off from work and he went out to get me some "ginger-ale and crackers". He did NOT come home with either but instead presented me with a pregnancy test. I laughed at him but took it just to make him happy. I could not believe my eyes when I saw the BFP! I called Caleb upstairs and he thought I was playing a trick on him for not getting me the ginger-ale and crackers I had asked for...umm negatory sweet husband...this is FOR REAL!
We were somewhat in shock as we had not been trying to get pregnant. Our "plan" was to wait at least another year to make sure that finances were secure however that went out the window immediately when we saw that positive. We were both so excited but cautious about it because we knew that it needed to be confirmed by a doctor.
Fast forward to April 23. We are sitting in the doctor's office waiting to meet our new OB. In walks Dr. Ross...I immediately knew we were in the right place. After going through the basic procedures, she called Caleb into the exam room and our first ultrasound took place. The exact words out of Dr. Ross' mouth were "And we have...a baby with a heartbeat". I looked over at the screen and while we did not hear the heartbeat we could see the flicker of our baby's heart right there on the screen! We were both so EXCITED. Dr. Ross spent a long time answering every question that you could ever imagine and we were on our way...complete with our baby's first picture! We both just smiled the entire drive to the hospital to visit Caleb's grandpa who had just had heart surgery. We decided we were going to wait to tell family for a few more weeks until the risk of miscarriage had decreased...guess again....we didnt make it an hour before we spilled the beans!
As we were walking into the hospital...Caleb's dad and aunt were walking out. We smiled at them both and when Caleb's dad gave me a hug...he said..."You are pregnant". Come again...did he really just say that to me...HOLY S*** how did he know that? I did not answer him until we got back to his grandpa's house later where both Caleb and I could tell him together. I called my parents on the way home to tell them. They were elated! We decided to wait to tell the rest of the family after a little more time had gone by but at that moment....
We were 6 weeks and 2 days pregnant and life was GOOD! :)

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