Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Lawson meet...

So I know that I am somewhat behind on posts here. Being a mommy takes a lot of time from being pooped and peed on, to feeding to just plain staring at monkey for hours on end...but it is worth every bit of it! Lawson has been here with us for 11 days and I am just now getting around to posting about who he met in his first few days in this world but I promise...I will get caught up. It did not take long for word to spread that our little monkey had arrived and within a few hours of his birth, Lawson got to meet so many of our closest family and friends. Perhaps the most emotional meeting was Caleb's grandfather, Lawson. He had no idea that we had decided to name our little monkey after him and we caught every moment of the meeting and name revealing on videotape and camera of course. I will post pictures here and once all family has seen the video...I will try and post that here as well!

Lawson meets Kay Kay for the first time. Kay was my TA last year and is like a second mom to me! LOVE HER!

Lawson meet Lawson! Priceless moment!
Lawson meets his Poppy for the first (well second but first holding)time

Lawson meeting my dad for the second time (first time holding). He is going to let monkey decide what he will be called! :)

Lawson meet "Uncle" Collin

Lawson meeting G-ma and Aunt Sara

Lawson meeting "Aunt" JP for the first time. I think he recognized her voice...she was the loud one he heard talking to her from the outside all the time! HAHA! Love her!

Meeting cousin Lauren!

Great Aunt Hota holding Monkey for the first time. She met him in the delivery room! :)

Lawson meeting Great Uncle William!

Heather came to meet Lawson! Her daughter was born almost exactly a month before Lawson. Ava wasnt allowed at the hospital because of H1N1 restrictions but we have documentation of their first meeting which is in a future post! :)

We have several more pictures on our other memory card of all the people Lawson has met. I will post those later! There is only one person missing from all of these pictures and that is my mom. She was not able to make it into town because of work but she will be here this Saturday and you better believe 100 pictures will be taken of that meeting! I CANNOT WAIT to see her and have her meet her grandson for the first time! :)

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Hey Holly! Congratulations!!! I am so excited to check your blog frequently again and see your beautiful baby boy. Lawson looks so sweet and cuddly. I am so happy for all of you. What a beautiful family!